Tuesday 15 October 2013

Article 1 Analysis :Mako Man

Analysis of article from Sport Marketing and Management Perspective:
Good news Mako Fans utility back Robbie Malneek is back in Mako colours ready for another ITM cup season. The 30 year old vertrin of the game is back from his overseas travels and is ready to do work for the Tasman region in what promises to be a great year for the Makos.

Tasman Chairman Andrew Flexman and the rest of the Tasman region will welcome back Robbie and his vast experience in the game. Robbie has Played 100 first class games for the region he has 73 tasman caps and another 28 with the Nelson Bays side before Tasman entered in to the Air New Zeland cup.

Although Robbie is starting to reach the end of his rugby days with his age starting to become a factor this doesnt seem to be playing a factor in his form on the feild as yet. The 30 year old had one of his best seasons on the rugby feild last year with the makos scoring some great tries and playing a big factor in many of the teams wins. With Robbie playing and feeling as fit as he has in a long time the Makos and the Tasman region will be hoping Robbie can repeat this again in the season to come and hopefully maybe a few more.

In terms of Personal selling Robbie is a great man for the job. Robbie is a well knowen public figure and within the rugby community in the Tasman region and will draw crowds to games to watch him and the Makos play. With Robbie having a part time job at Nelson College Robbie also will promote the game within the schools and will be able to get the young school boys along to the game. Not only is Robbie good with with the youth but with Robbies age he is also well knowen by the older members of the Tasman region and has no problem with communication with them.

It could seem only small and silly to say that general public will come to Mako games to watch a single player however if you think of big name players such as Dan Carter or Richie Mccaw and the crowds the attract all around the world it makes sense. Single players can make a difference in how many people come to watch the games. A big public figure can achieve this as well.

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