Tuesday 15 October 2013

Article 3 Analysis :Parker next best thing

Analysis of article from Sport Marketing and Management Perspective:
Joseph Parker is fast becoming New Zealand’s next big sporting act on the world stage. With his convincing second round KO on the weekend he has boxers around the wrold talking about his potential rise to the top. With Sunny-Bill-Williams still on the cards to fight Joesph says he is ready and for him it will be more about it been a money fight rather than anything else as he doesn't see Sunny as a challenge more as a way to make some easy money. With Sunny not looking likely to fight anytime soon he is at risk of getting stripped of his belt.

Parker has his eyes on bigger and better goals however he wants to fight in the USA and China within the next 2 years. For now however it’s a matter of building Parkers profil in New Zealand has big as possible. With Parker likely to have upcoming fights booked for Christchurch, Nelson and Invercargill. After Parkers latest win agasint Afa Tatupu parker could be looking for paydays of 1million dollars in endorsements alone. This is a clearly indication of how well the boxer is doing.

Parkers slow but sure rise to fame is great from a marketing point of view as he is young and very exciting with great power. He is a great athlete to endorse as he has so much growth to do as a boxer and so many fights he isn’t still yet to win. He also has a clean image and is a humble athlete which is what you need from a professional when you are selling your brand through them. New Zealand having had a boxer with the ability of Parker since Tua, it’s good to see boxing in New Zealand is still alive and well and we have a new champion ready to continue our proud boxing history.

I see parker as a great role model and marketing tool for NZ boxing seeing youth like him succeed in the industry shows you that it is possible with hard work and the right attitude I hope Parker goes well and continues on the path he is heading.

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