Tuesday 15 October 2013

Article 4 analysis: Turbos Lose at Lanstown park

Analysis of article from Sport Marketing and Management Perspective:
Tasman continue to impress in the ITM cup championship as they defeat manawatu with ease in the last game of round robbin leading them into the semi final next weekend as top of the ITM cup championship. Tasman is due to play southland next saturday at lanstown park. The impressive Tasman side has had a steller season with big wins coming to sides such as waikato and manawatu in the last week. The Tasman rugby union been a smaller union in New Zealand rugby will be enjoying this success and so will the players with Tasman having 11 Super rugby signings in 2013. This is a very impressive effort and something the players, coaches and management should be proud of.

This game was no expecption to what we have seen Tasman do all year with some great ball running and off loading the Tasman side has enjoyed scoring trys and putting the other sides under pressure and on the back foot. With manawatu starting strong it was never going to be an easy game for the Makos as Manawatu new that if they could beat Tasman they would have a chance to play in the semi finals next week. With both teams trading points early with two tries inside the forst 13mins of the game it looked like the game was shaping up to be exciting. The first half ending with the Makos leading into the break 17-14 with still much to play for in the second half.

The Makos proved too good in the end out scoring and out playing the Turbos 57-14 with a record win over the side. Also Marty Banks was able to also show another impressive outing scoring 2 trys and continuing his impressive scoring display with another 20+ game ending up with 27 to add to his own total that is currently sitting at 130 points for the season which is also a new tasman points scoring record.

From a marketing point of view Tasmans current success will be hugely beniftial as crowd and viewer numbers will be at an all time high leading into the weekends game agasint southland. Ticket sales should be thru the roof and id expect to see a packed out lanstown park this weekend. Also with players names growing throughout New Zealand supporters will come to watch growing stars such as Tom Marshall, Marty Banks, Liams Squire the list continues.

It would be great to see Tasman come away with a win this weekend and in the Grand final the following weekend it will be helpful for the union as money and publicity will grow which will able the union to grow as a strong union for years to come.

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