Tuesday 15 October 2013

Article 7 Analysis: Windy night drys track

Analysis of article from Sport Marketing and Management Perspective:

A strong field of riders met at codgers for the second round of the Nelson Mountain Bike Club cross-country series. Young and old turned out to compete in the event with the south island masters games held at the same time. It was an opportunity for riders of all ages to give the track a go in a competitive environment and test themselves against riders of the same age group. With strong winds blowing the night and day before the event it worked in the riders advantage as the track dried out perfectly and gave riders a good surface to race on.

Riders of the age 70-79 where competing and doing rather well as well with one rider Thomas Dunn came out on top winning the event with an impressive time of 1hr 27 mins. The younger riders under 15 boys were a tight group and only 1min 30sec was the difference between 1st place and the final finisher. With Cameron Jones been the eventfully winner. In the marsters event Tim Bygate managed a come from behind victory on the final lap to overtake Doug Sharland and grab the victory in an always competitive race. All in all the riders did very well and look forward to the next and final meeting at Sharlands creek next Sunday to find an eventful winner.

From a marketing and management point of view i see events like this important to the regions biking community. With nelson been known as a great sporting Town it does not show our bikers in the light some deserve. Some of the riders in this event are highly talented and pay for everything off their own backs. From a marketing perspective I would except they would try and draw larger biking numbers to such events to give people a taste of the ride. Mountain biking it’s a very demanding sport that requires a lot of guts and fitness I believe this could be a marketing tool getting people active is something they could look at doing to get larger numbers. I hope to see a rise in the numbers in these events and the sport to continue to grow in the region.

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