Tuesday 15 October 2013

Article 2 Analysis: Kieron Fonotia

Analysis of article from Sport Marketing and Management Perspective:
kieron Fonotia is playing fantastic for the Tasman Makos this season the center is in his 3rd year of ITM cup for the makos and is now becoming the backbone of the Tasman backline. The midfielder is strong and runs the ball with great intent and always is a threat to defensive sides throughout the ITM cup. Kieron Fonotia will be the first to agree that in previous years his fitness and lack of keeping up with general play has let him down. Kieron Fonotia says his stint with the Crusaders early this year as part of the wider training group has help him out to get to a fitness level where he is able to not only keep up with the play but dominate.

I think that Kieron Fonotia play has been helped with great players around him such as Tom Marshall and Marty Banks who are playing well themselves it is much easier to play well when players around you are feeling success as well. Kieron Fonotia quoted "Playing with Tojo [Marshall], he makes my job a hell of a lot easier, just talking me through stuff." Which is a great sign for the Tasman management and coaches that a 12, 13 pairing feel so comfortable around each other?

With players such as Fonotia playing well and holding the Tasman backline in shape it is also helpful from a marketing point of view as fans come to watch a winning side that is playing well and scoring lots of points which the Tasman side is doing. Fonotia is a big part of this success he ability to break the line and create space for the players around his this season has been something Tasman has needed in the 13 jersey. Going in to the semi-finals we will need players such as Fonotia to continue the form they have been playing with in to the final two games.

Winning the championship with a huge deal for this Tasman side as it will allow the union more money and greater support for our small union. I hope that Fonotia will get picked up by a super rugby union and get a chance to play a higher form of rugby. However with so much success with our Tasman players other union throughout NZ will be wanting our local players and pay big money for them. I hope to see our local players stay loyal to Tasman and play their ITM cup rugby for Tasman.

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