Tuesday 15 October 2013

Article 6 Analysis: Nelson cricket

Analysis of article from Sport Marketing and Management Perspective:

Nelson cricket is kicking in to swing already with the 20/20 season starting early October on thursday nights. Other than the change of the format the teams have seemed to have stayed much the same from last season as old heads and the young ones hit the pitches again for another year of cricket in Nelson. With some players running off to wellington to get higher quality cricket weekend to weekend it gives younger players and opportunity to have a crack at senior cricket in 2013/2014.

Players such as Greg hay and bj Barnett won’t be playing in the nelson competition this year due to central districts and other commitments. Although this is ashamed for the Nelson completion it’s good to see our local players been looked at for the big teams that play in the HRV cup such as central districts. Players returning from university and back from overseas with young talented players such as Tom Ingham, Dan cooper, Matt Macquett, ben gully and dean Hawley we hope to see these boys get looked at to play higher paid cricket around New Zealand as well.

With Nelson cricketers doing well not only in New Zealand but overseas from a marketing and management point of view i see this as a huge plus for Nelson cricket as we can see a pathway for our younger players to follow. Also with the growing talent in nelson youth will become more interested in playing the sport. With the 20/20 cricket moved to Thursday nights i see this as a great management role as players will not be asked to give up a whole Saturday playing cricket and simply play in the evening. I know for myself playing all day Saturday was a bit of problem so this is a draw for me to want to play again.

I think with Nelson cricket it is important to continue to push themselves to the general public and try to raise public interested more players will mean more funding. Nelson has got some junior world cup games to be hosted in Nelson which is a great for Nelson cricket.

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